Questions to reflect on as you start a new year 2023-24
1) What are my professional, personal, spiritual and relationship goals for this year? (Make a list for each)
2) What are three qualities I want to cultivate this year?
3) What's the 1 defining word going to be for this year?
4) What's one thing about me that feels hard to love and that I'm going to accept?
5) What feels done/unhealthy/ stagnant? What/who do I need to let go of?
6) What is one pattern I want to break?
7) What are 2 new skills I will learn?
8) Doing just this one thing every day / week will make me feel 10x better.
9) Who do I want to reach out to/connect with/ see more of?
10) What are 3 kind things I will repeat to myself often?
11) What would my one big goal look like if broken down into 5-10 small, easily actionable/achievable goals?
12) What are my self-empowering affirmations for the year?
13) What is something l'm ready to forgive myself for?
14) What is something l'm ready to
forgive someone else for?
15) What will a good day look like?
16) What will a good year look like?
17) What's one expensive thing/
experience I will gift myself this year?
18) What is something l'm going to stop being afraid of this year?
19) What is 1 thing I can do to be a better: friend I partner | family member?