Top 20 Tips From Casting Directors
The distance between your dreams and your reality is called action.
★ Tips from Casting Directors - Avy Kaufman
Not just the best person gets the 30b it's not as SIMPLE AS IT FEELS. There are so many different elements that go into who gets that job. When actors are readers and see that, they say, 'OH, Im shocked that person got that job. They might not have ebeen the best, but they might have been the most appropriate for that role. Its beyond our reach, It's beyond our sight to understand every element of what goes into these decisions. Everybody should remember they re still good even though they didn't get that job, its hard to do, but it's important.
★ Tips from Casting Directors - Robert Ulrich
I love actors, but i think that when i meet somebody for the first time, I generally don't talk about acting. I think its a great time for people to either develop another hobby or just do things to make them happy so they'll be a more interesting actor when they begin acting again. Alao work on the art of self-taping.
★ Tips from Casting Director - Libby GoldsTein
Take acting [classes] and work hard, because when opportunity knocks (and you never know when it will), you must be ready for it. It is easy to get into a casting office for one audition but you want them to remember you for the next one. its not about getting this job-it's about getting the next one.
★ Tips from Casting Directors - Bernie Telsey
It's unfortunate, because i think actors feel like we're rejecting them. Actors are doing a job every day that someone is potentially saying no to and i think the misconception is no one saying you're not good and no one is actively rejecting you you can only hire one person for the part, and yet sometimes we're seeing 10 people or 1,000 people, so the odds are against you. Understand that its not a negative experience, i would hope. we're on their side. We're scheduling them in the hopes of it being the right match.
★ Tips from Casting Directors - Jessica Kelly
“Remember to listen. the camera right on your face. the only thing the audition is showing is your face, and it doesnt lie. It an tell when you're not reall there and present and in the moment."
★ Tips from Casting Director - Tess Joseph
My job is to collaborate with producers, directors, networks and studio executives to cast the best talent for each part.
We need to be the biggest supporters of actors. we want actors to succeed, and often the perception can be the opposite stay true to your strengths. As an actor when you're presenting yourself to us, show us what you're really good at. in about 30 seconds we kind of know where we're going you've go to be grabbing the whole room in order to keep us engaged and listening to you most of us only have that much time. in one week we had a thousand entries.
★ Tips From Casting Directors - Rachel Frek
Depends on what i'm casting. If i'm casting comedy and someone comes in and they're very funny but they're not right for the specific role, i'll remember that they're funny and that they understand how to play comedy. and i'll get them in again for another part. I remember talent. What works, and-as much as that-what doesn't work. If someone does three or four bad auditions or they're not prepared i'll think twice about bringing them in again because i don't want them to embarrass me or waste the director's time.
★ Tips From Casting Directors - Nicole Daniels
An actor with a good vibe who's personable and easygoing is somebody who we can tell would be good on set and who would get along with others.
We keep a file of headshots and resumes of actors we liked but [ didn't cast who ] might be right for future projects.
★ Tips From Casting Directors - Rachel Freck
“[ Look For] The naturalism and truthfulness of what they're doing. Some part of their performance fixes you and affects you because you believe them. It is also their research and hard work in preparing for an audition so they feel natural and intelligent and immediate because they ve bothered to learn it properly, read the full script, and think about it.”
★ Tips From Casting Directors - Tara Rubin
Train, Train. Train. read everything you can get your hands on and see every play you possibly can. Develop a strong sense of patience, because everything doesn't always happen at the rate that you might wish. Think about other aspects of theater that might be exciting to do in addition to being an actor. I'm always excited to hear people say. I took a year off and traveled, studied, or whatever. I think havinga patient long view of things is a good thing for an actor. I also think being excited to travel, to go to different places to work, is a good thing.
★ Tips From Casting Directors - Kim Coleman
“When they leave my office, actors are always going to feel some kind of way. There are a lot of other factors that go into casting a role. don't beat yourself up. Maybe this role wasn't for you, but you might be right for something else. always continue to study and take classes: you need to make sure your instrument is well-tuned. and be prepared and on time. We're in it together: we're a team
i want you to shine.”
★ Tips From Casting Directors - Carmen Cuba
“Coming in unprepared isn't the best recipe for success. But coming in so prepared that you can't be flexible when given direction, even if you don't agree with it, can also really work against you.”
★ Tips From Casting Directors - Nikki Barrett
“KNOW what you are testing for-the world, the relationships, the time of day.
The great failing we constantly see in the room is people having learned lines but not thought through moments, [Not] exploring the nuances or tone of a piece or character so you just get generic attitudinal readings.”
★ Tips From Casting Directors - Cami Patton
From the second you walk in the door, be listening. It's easy, with nerves, to get [So] in your head and concentrate on what you were planning to do that you're not hearing the dialogue coming beforehand. It's a tip-off that you're not in the right place. also, when you walk out of a room, let it go and don't think about it again your job today is to go on your auditions and be as prepared and relaxed as you can. if you don't hear back or you don't get it. don't sweat it. There's so much out of your control; all you can control is what you do in that room.
★ Tips From Casting Directors - David Rapaport
“We're rooting for the actor to do well. I want actors to come in, feel comfortable, and do their best. It's a weird process. you have to come in and be completely open and vulnerable in front of people you don't know in a room you've never been in. I think some actors assume we want to embarrass them or make them feel less than, but it's the opposite. I want them to feel as safe as possible, to do well, to see it as an opportunity to perform, act and hopefully get some direction. It can be a fun learning experience in the office. It can be an intimidating process, but it's not meant to be. Know we're really rooting for you to succeed.”
★ Tips From Casting Directors - Rich Delia
“When an actor comes in and shows me their perception of the character, that's when they have an opportunity to make an impression because they are making strong, unique choices. They're not saying, i think this is what the CD wants or i think this is what the director wants. It's how you see the character. It's not just making a different choice for the sake of being different.”
★ Tips From Casting Directors - Tara Rubin
“Actors who are there to serve the piece and do the work are more exciting to me than people who are drawing attention to themselves. I admiire the actors who have prepared and who understand that preparing the audition is a part of being an actor rather than a burden. When they're excited to share what they've prepared with us, that's an exciting audition. You may be cast. You may not, but i will definitely remember the great work that you did.”
★ Tips From Casting Director - Mukesh Chhabra
Mukesh Chhabra Casting Compney
“Fear of rejection is part of this job. You're in a profession where you have to deal with it everyday. Don't judge the feedback you receive based on one day.”
“If you are a good ACTOR a password-size photo is enough”
“Rejections can make anyone frustrated. But never quit practicing.”